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       Hi, my name is Tonya Buffington and I am a doula in Keller, TX.  I service all of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex.  I am a stay at home mom with a 4 year old daughter, a 17 month old son and my husband.

    While I was pregnant with my daughter in 2006, I chose to have a natural birth in a hospital with a CNM (Certified Nurse Midwife). During my pregnancy, many other women told me their horror stories of birth and tried to scare me out of having a natural birth. I chose to ignore these stories and to do what I felt was best for my baby and me. I had my daughter completely natural with no medical intervention and it was absolutely amazing. Yes there was pain involved, but after the birth I felt this rush of adrenaline and complete amazement of how powerful I was. After remembering all of the horror stories of birth, I wanted to start helping women change their stories for the better.

     I view birth as a natural God given ability. I believe with the right education and support, just about any woman can give birth naturally without medical intervention, with a few exceptions. I truly believe the more intervention there is in a birth the more possibility there is to have grim consequences later. If more women had good experiences like I had, it is possible that birth would no longer be something people feared but rather something people looked forward to.


'Just as a woman's heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth.'
- Virginia Di Orio

© Right Hand Doula Services 2008